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EcoServ – State of the smart

Rethinking building cleaning services

With the switch to working from home, shared desk solutions and dynamic building use, rigid cleaning concepts are no longer the only solution. Employees and visitors expect hygienic conditions in all rooms at all times. EcoServ is our innovative cleaning service that provides the answer in a working environment characterised by change. 

Our digital cleaning solution optimises existing cleaning processes, ensuring greater efficiency thanks to a digital work schedule, graphical service catalogues and audit-proof documentation. Tailored services make cleaning more sustainable because they use fewer resources. 

We have developed EcoServ as your simple entry point to smart cleaning. It encompasses a high-performance communication platform for managing complaints, for example. Our quality management processes are fully digitalised. Cleaning specialists are managed efficiently using digital work schedules. Moreover, EcoServ can be expanded on a flexible basis to include, for example, sensor-controlled services, personalised dashboards and smart waste management systems.

Our EcoServ team of experts develops customised solutions following consultation with you, our clients.

Advantages at a glance

Cost efficiency

The analysis of utilisation data makes it possible to align services exactly with actual needs. This ensures process reliability and the optimised use of resources, avoiding unnecessary cleaning operations.

Smart Service

EcoServ delivers smart building technology and services in a single package. This guarantees the smooth running of processes from planning through configuration and implementation to delivery of the services.

Individual consultation

Our EcoServ team of experts advises you on all aspects of the service and works with you to develop a tailored EcoServ concept, always with an eye to your quality and cost requirements.

Employee satisfaction

EcoServ is extremely user-oriented and focuses on ensuring a building’s feel-good factor. This is the trademark of a modern employer and increases employee satisfaction.


Cleaning on demand optimises the use of valuable resources such as water and energy. The cleaning specialists’ work is upgraded by its greater visibility. The data generated delivers valuable information for sustainability strategies.

Process reliability

EcoServ steers, simplifies and optimises processes to make them efficient and save time. They are documented fully to ensure they are transparent and audit proof.

Building data

The data generated delivers valuable information about buildings and their use such as visitor frequency. This knowledge can serve as the basis for a company’s internal decision-making.


Klüh is responsible for full implementation of the smart infrastructure. Only minor modifications are necessary – no complex installation work or interventions in a building’s substance. All steps are taken in close consultation with our clients. 

Data protection

We record data in order to assess building utilisation and, on this basis, optimise the services we provide to our clients. Data security is our utmost priority. The data are stored on servers in Germany in accordance with data security legislation. 

How do we work with you to implement EcoServ?

Examples of applications

EcoServ in brief

The 360-degree concept

Klüh Eco System for Smart Services

Linking people, processes, systems and services: the Klüh Eco System is a holistic application platform for building-related services.

It combines an IoT framework based on sensors and apps – making up a building’s digital central nervous system – with DigiSolutions, a customer service portal incorporating data analysis tools that can be deployed in any sector.

Bundling these activities raises modern facility management to a new level.

Learn more

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Would you like more information or an individual consultation? Drop us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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Whereas conventional cleaning operations are defined in a rigid plan and performed to a fixed schedule, EcoServ provides additional flexible services. These are based on, for example, the frequency of use that is identified using sensor technology. In addition, users can trigger a CleanCall via smart buttons. This is communicated in real time to the cleaning specialists who are equipped with tablet computers.

These flexible services complement the basic hygiene services which ensure the cleanliness of buildings and preserve their value.

All the data is recorded in the Klüh Eco System for Smart Services which is used to digitally manage the cleaning process. The cleaning specialists have a digital run sheet on their tablet computers which maps the building and shows them exactly what to clean and when. For example, it indicates which rooms have a high priority or when furnishings need to be cleaned.

The run sheet functions on the basis of graphical depictions and without language barriers

Especially high-use areas are recognised by sensors and cleaning can be focused there. Unused areas are also identified by the technology and cleaning is only performed if necessary, ensuring efficiency and saving resources. Moreover, filling levels can be managed or meeting rooms prepared exactly when necessary. The technology can also be used to manage individual requirements. Users can trigger a CleanCall via smart buttons or the app.

The transparency of all services is ensured at all times. The data generated is not only used for quality control but also delivers the basis for important analyses and decision-making.

EcoServ is suitable for many different types of buildings. The advantage of EcoServ over conventional systems is that it delivers all the necessary components in a single package. T

he Klüh Eco System for Smart Services provides the basis for smart service delivery from IoT technology via the necessary software solutions to BI reporting.

That is why EcoServ is also suitable for older buildings with little or no digitalisation. And, of course, existing systems in modern smart buildings can also be used and integrated into the concept.