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Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Klüh published its first report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reporting standard for the 2022 reporting year. This year, we are once again presenting our business activities and initiatives as part of a GRI sustainability report.

GRI is an independent international organisation with headquarters in Amsterdam and regional offices around the world that helps companies, governments and other organisations to understand and communicate the sustainability impact of their activities.

We incorporate the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact initiative as well as our opportunity and risk matrix in accordance with ISO 9001 in this GRI report, thereby bringing together our non-financial reporting.

Reporting 2023

Statement of us: Klüh Service Management GmbH (KSM) has reported for all german-based entitites of the Klüh Group in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period 01.01.2023- 31.12.2023.

Standard used: GRI 1: Foundation 2021

List of applicable GRI Sector Standards:

EconomyInnovation/ Quality/ Local Engagement 202-1, 202-2, 203-1, 204-1, 205-1, 205-2, 205-3, 206-1, 414-1, 414-2
EnvironmentClimate/ Animal Welfare/ Effluents/ Water303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 306-2, 306-4
SocialEmployee Health/ Employer Attractivness/ Training and Education401-1, 401-2, 401-3, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-8, 403-9, 404-1, 404-2, 404-3, 405-1, 405-2, 406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1, 410

General Information

GRI 2: 
General Disclosures

2-1 Organizational detailsHead quarter Klüh Service Management GmbH, Am Wehrhahn 70, 40211 Düsseldorf; 
other divisions/ domestic companies: Klüh Cleaning GmbH | Klüh Catering GmbH | Klüh Security GmbH and all associated branches in Germany
The Klüh Group's activities also extend to the following countries: UAE, Turkey, Netherlands, Poland, India, China; all non-European countries are not included in this report.
2-2 Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reportingEntities under Klüh Service Management are: Klüh Cleaning (incl. Klüh Facility Services GmbH), Klüh Catering (incl. Klüh Catering Rheinland GmbH), Klüh Security, Klüh Integrated Services GmbH, Klüh Clinic GmbH, BEFU GmbH.
Associated companies: Klüh Wirtschaftsdienste GmbH & Co. KG, Klüh Care Management GmbH (and Keros Consult GmbH), DLG Personal- Service GmbH, Klüh Airport Service Berlin GmbH. 
The energy report/sustainability report only covers the direct Klüh companies, not the associated companies.
This report does not cover any foreign companies or associated companies.
  ESRS 2
2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact pointThe report covers the period from 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023. The report is produced annually. 
Mr. Rainer Schultes, Head of Quality Management,, 01637735308, who is also available to answer any questions, reports on behalf of the management.
Date of publication of the sustainability report: 04/23/2024 for the 2023 financial year.
Last financial report/annual report: 04/23/2024, also covering the 2023 financial year.
2-4 Restatements of information-  ESRS 2
2-5 External assuranceThe company is externally audited annually by TÜV Austria as part of the ISO audits. The most recent certificates can be found on the Klüh website and include ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, 50001, 13549, 13485, 37301 and SCC, DIN 77200. The ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certificates cover our environmental and energy management system.
The Group is also regularly audited by the following organizations (non-governmental): EcoVadis, CDP, NQC/ SAQ 5.0. Furthermore, Klüh Security has joined the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) in June 2023.
Test reports and assessments can be issued on request from Central Quality Management. All assessments are external and independent. 
2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationshipsThe Klüh Group operates in the service sector. The part of the company that is the subject of this report primarily provides services in Germany. According to the Federal Statistical Office, the service sector will account for 69.6% of gross value added in Germany in 2023.

Description of the three largest business divisions:
Klüh Cleaning: Sustainable and innovative cleaning methods and concepts in commercial cleaning.
Klüh Catering: Innovative catering concepts in the areas of business and care.
Klüh Security: Customer-oriented security architect for sustainable solutions.
Klüh Service Management GmbH is the holding company of the Klüh Group. 

Supply chain: The organization sources products to enable its services. We check all suppliers and manufacturers regularly, not only as part of the LkSG, but also by checking our listed products.
Markets served: Klüh offers services in the B2B sector. 
  ESRS 2
2-7 Employeesdetailed chart on the following sheet.  ESRS 2
2-9 Governance structure and compositionThe Klüh Group is an owner-managed family business. The holding company oversees the activities of the subsidiaries and the respective managing directors. The managing directors of the specialist companies report to the holding company management according to a business allocation plan. The Advisory Board monitors the activities of the holding company management. 

The occupational health and safety meeting, the energy meeting, the data protection meeting and the compliance meeting form the compliance structure. An overview of the management team can be found on the Klüh Group website.

The members of the highest supervisory body (Advisory Board) can be found on the website under Klüh Group.
  ESRS 2
2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance bodyAll management positions are filled by the holding company management, which in turn is confirmed by the advisory board. Aspects such as stakeholder representation and the individual's impartiality are also taken into account in the decision-making process.   
2-11 Chair of the highest governance bodyEach management level has a spokesperson. Mr. Frank Theobald holds the position of spokesperson at the holding company management level. The Chairman of the Advisory Board is Mr. Josef Klüh.   
2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impactsThe holding managers supervise the operative bsuiness areas.The compliance structure can be found in the quality management manual on pages 7 et seq.  ESRS 2
2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impactsResponsibilities are regulated by job and task descriptions. This also complies with the requirements of ISO 9001 and is underpinned by a structured delegation system.

Impact management: Human rights officer, Supply Chain Due Diligence Act working group, compliance and General Act on Equal Treatment officer, data protection officer. The legal department and Quality Management are responsible.

There are annual reports and quarterly reviews involving the holding management. 
  ESRS 2
2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reportingThe sustainability activities are combined in the holding company management and fall under Mr. Frank's responsibility in accordance with the business distribution plan. The operational contact person is Mr. Rainer Schultes (Head of Quality Management The holding company's management approves the sustainability reports. The holding company's management and the sustainability reports are audited by the TÜV Austria. In addition, audits are carried out by internal committees (CSR meeting and energy meeting). Workshops on the topic of sustainability are held with the management and executives on a regular basis.  ESRS 2
2-15 Conflicts of interestOur managers and sales staff are trained in compliance and, by signing the Code of Conduct, commit to upholding our core values (professionalism and respectful behavior) and to complying with the law. Processes for external and internal complaints and other concerns are clearly defined in a procedural instruction and are audited by TÜV Austria. There is a procedural instruction on the subject of complaints and concerns. In the event of conflicts of interest, disclosure is required.   
2-16 Communication of critical concernsThe same applies to critical inquiries. External parties can contact the relevant person at different levels of confidentiality via,, or The compliance officer, for example, only has access to compliance e-mails. There is a whistleblower system that complies with the law.  ESRS 2
2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance bodyOur guiding principles are set out in our Code of Conduct and our management principles. All meetings are minuted; the relevant group of people is informed of the results via the minutes distribution list. The representatives and those responsible for the positions must always be informed of changes to the legal framework and must inform the organization accordingly. In addition, the managing directors are informed and trained in sustainability workshops, energy meetings, occupational health and safety meetings, compliance meetings and data protection meetings. The managing directors report to the advisory board for control purposes.  ESRS 2
2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance bodyThe CSR performance results are evaluated annually by TÜV Austria, and, in the future, also by external auditors. The management is also audited by the TÜV.   
2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategyKlüh has set the goal of being climate-neutral by 2040. The annual targets are set and monitored at the CSR and energy meeting. The annual review is carried out as part of ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 audits. In addition, annual self-audits are carried out by the human rights report, the inclusion report, the German General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) report and the energy report. Data collection is continuously being improved. The optimized data situation improves the validity and strategy of the sustainability targets.  ESRS 2
2-23 Policy commitmentsThe Klüh Group complies with applicable law and is committed to various corporate policies. These policies are published on the intranet and on the Klüh website under “Quality Standards”. Furthermore, our legal obligations extend to all international and national requirements for the protection of human rights and also to all business relationships (in particular management principles, environmental and energy policy, occupational health and safety policy, CoC, CoC for suppliers, Diversity Charter, ILO standards - applying the precautionary principle in the area of occupational safety and human rights protection; further protectionis provided by emergency committees that can take action quickly). 

These documents can be found on the intranet by employees, who are also informed via the internal mail system. All guidelines are approved and released by the management and communicated internally and externally.

Klüh's business relationships are governed primarily by the CoC for suppliers, the AEB and the CoC. Klüh fulfills its due diligence obligations by providing a reporting process for human rights violations.
  1 - 10ESRS 2
2-24 Embedding policy commitmentsWe fulfill our political obligations primarily through the CoC  and the CoC for Suppliers. One of the codes of conduct is included in every contract, depending on the contractual party – this means that the political responsibility is implemented at every level throughout the company, in particular by the HR department, purchasing and sales. In addition, the general terms and conditions of purchase and the purchasing guidelines require that purchasing observe the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. Furthermore, there are compliance and occupational safety training courses and sustainability workshops for managing directors, managers and some of the workforce. We are ISO 37301 certified in the area of compliance. A compliance team and a working group for the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act have been set up. 
One particular incentive for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the “Klüh Fuel-Saving Award” for the driver of the car in the fleet that has used less fuel than the manufacturer's specifications.
  ESRS 2
2-25 Processes to remediate negative impactsA whistleblower and complaints system has been implemented at Klüh. We also evaluate the complaints processes. The processes are defined in procedural instructions. Contact persons are named on the above-mentioned website. Our employees are required to attend regular compliance training. In addition, state (judicial) and extrajudicial complaints procedures are also available to those affected. The effectiveness of the measures is reviewed in audits. We adhere to the NAP and the OECD Guidelines.  ESRS S1
2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concernsA whistleblower and complaints system has been implemented at Klüh. We also evaluate the complaints processes. The process is defined in a procedural instruction. The responsible contact person is our compliance officer. Most employees also receive compliance training. During the on-site audits, there is also the opportunity to talk to the quality management employee in confidence and to pass on advice and concerns.  ESRS S1
2-27 Compliance with laws and regulationsThe reports of the responsible officers can be found in the social report (can be requested from Quality Management). The Legal Department has a legal and compliance database, and Quality Management has an environmental database. We also work with external partners, auditors and certification organizations in the areas of occupational safety and health, hygiene, hazardous goods and waste management.  1 - 10ESRS E2
2-28 Membership associationsAll memberships are listed on the Klüh Group website under "Quality standards".   
2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagementKlüh maintains continous exchanges with its stakeholders. The key aspects are summarized in the opportunities and risks matrix.17 ESRS S1
2-30 Collective bargaining agreementsKlüh honors its commitments and is committed to wage compliance. Monitoring is carried out by the audit department. We comply with the ILO guidelines.
a.) 84% bound by collective agreements
b.) We are partially applying existing collective agreements to other employees.
GRI 3: Material Topics3-1 Process to determine material topicscf. Materiality analyses  ESRS 2
3-2 List of material topics202-1, 202-2, 203-1, 204-1, 205-1, 205-2, 205-3, 206-1, 302-1, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 306-2, 306-4, 401-1, 401-2, 401-3, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-8, 403-9, 404-1, 404-2, 404-3, 405-1, 405-2, 406-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1, 410, 414-1, 414-2  ESRS 2
3-3 Management of material topicsImpact on the economy and the environment (in relation to the topics mentioned in point 3-2):

People, human rights:
Fair working conditions (social sustainability), gender equality, occupational safety, health; cleaning chemicals, physical labor.
Environment: waste management, increased use of renewable energies, use of fewer resources.

Description of possible negative impacts of our business activities:
Generation of (food) waste and wastewater, especially through cleaning, electricity consumption, various services in labor-intensive industries (about 58,000 employees worldwide) - difficult implementation of sustainability measures due to decentralized organizational structure.

Guidelines for improving sustainability in the company:
CoC/ CoC for suppliers, ethics policy, environmental and energy policy, quality policy, occupational health and safety policy, Diversity Charter (all documents can be found on the website).

Human rights report, inclusion report, compliance and General Equal Treatment Act report, energy report, training/workshops, animal welfare initiative, Diversity Charter, and much more.
  ESRS 2


GRI 202:
Market Presence 
202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wageWomen and men are paid the same. Klüh is committed to the Diversity Charter. Klüh complies with the legal requirements General Equal Treatment Act and collective agreements. We guarantee minimum wage/remuneration in accordance with the collective agreement, regardless of gender. The exact figures cannot be provided because they cannot be extracted from the system. Further details can be found in our procedural instructions on wage equality and the CoC. 2, 5, 7, 8, 96ESRS 2
202-2 Proportion of senior management hired from the local communityAs a company that operates throughout Germany and internationally, Klüh attaches great importance to diversity in management positions, regardless of the person's origin. We take our commitment to the Diversity Charter very seriously. We do not select  or discriminate personnel on the basis of the criterion of local community.8  
GRI 203: 
Indirect Economic Impacts 
203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supportedThe company's donations are deliberately limited to selected social, ecological, cultural and educational projects and are publicized via social channels. Klüh sponsors the local ice hockey club Düsseldorfer EG and the football club Fortuna Düsseldorf. The “Klüh Foundation for the Promotion of Innovation in Science and Research” awards a prize with prize money to special personalities in the field every year. In addition, Klüh supports the "european broiler chicken initiative" of the Albert-Schweizer Foundation. Furthermore, a fundraising campaign called “Wir für Düsseldorf” (We for Düsseldorf) takes place every year. More information can be found in the press releases on our website.2, 5, 7, 9, 11 ESRS S1
GRI 204: 
Procurement Practices 
204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliersOur supply chains are described in the risk matrix of the purchasing department in accordance with the Supply Chain Act. As part of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, we regularly assess our suppliers and monitor them for human rights and environmental violations. In principle, we maintain long-term business relationships with local and national suppliers. In many cases, their headquarters are in Düsseldorf. 
Around 90% of our catering companies have the option of purchasing products from local suppliers via our wholesalers. In this reporting year alone, 22 additional local suppliers were added. We define local as a radius of up to 15 km around the respective business premises. For us, an important business premises is one with an annual turnover of more than 500,000 euros.
GRI 205: 
205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruptionAll business processes are examined with regard to corruption. All incoming information is thoroughly investigated and, if necessary, measures are taken. The results of these investigations are presented in the compliance report, which is approved at the compliance meeting (in attendance of holding management) 
Total number and percentage of business premises that were checked for corruption risks: 100%, as all managers and senior employees are informed and sensitized to this issue after the compliance training. The operations are also checked by the revision.
1610ESRS G1
205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and proceduresBy 2023, all managers and sales staff will have completed the compliance training. 
Since May 2023, all administrative employees have also been completing the compliance training; this knowledge is passed on to employees by managers.
In addition, the CoC, which has been part of every new employment contract since 2022, includes an anti-corruption guideline.
The ethics policy is part of our company guidelines.
All new business partners since 2022 are obliged to comply with the CoC for suppliers; all existing suppliers have been checked in accordance with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. 100% of suppliers have signed the CoC Supplier.
All members of the supervisory bodies have been trained in matters of compliance (100%).
1610ESRS G1
205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions takenAll cases and the measures taken are listed in the annual compliance report. The report is approved in the compliance meeting (in attendance of the holding management). There were no confirmed incidents in the reporting period.1610ESRS G1
GRI 206: Anti-competitive Behavior 206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practicesAll business processes are examined with regard to corruption. The results of the investigations are presented in the compliance report. This is approved at the compliance meeting (attended by the holding management). There were no incidents during the reporting period.1610 


GRI 302: Energy302-1 Energy consumption within the organizationThe energy report shows Scope 1, 2 and 3 in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

Total fuel consumption from non-renewable energies + fuel type: 382,680,000,000,000 joules (10.63 gWh), natural gas, coal, nuclear power, other fossil fuels.

Energy consumption from renewable energies: Production: 72,144,000,000,000 joules/ 20.04 MWh, of which consumed: 45,792,000 ,000,000 joules/ 12.72 MWh, fed in/ sold: 26,028,000,000,000 joules/ 7.23 MWh.

Electricity/heat energy/cooling energy consumption: 163,702,764,000,000 joules (4,547.299 MWh)

Steam consumption: none

Total energy consumption: 152,100,000,000,000,000 joules (42.25 gWh)

Calculation methods/ program used: to convert gWh/ MWh to joules, we applied the scale 1:3,600,000,000,000, source:
7, 12, 13 7, 8, 9ESRS E1
302-3 Energy intensityEnergy intensity quotients of the organization: Service (energy consumption per service): 
Cleaning: 687,06 grams of CO2 or 1.91 kWh/ working hour, 613,05 grams of CO2 or 1.4 kWh/ working hour for ecological cleaning, depending on customer requirements, taking into account internal and external energy consumption and including all types of energy. We are constantly improving these figures, and to do so we rely on the input of the manufacturers of the products we use. This is why the accuracy of the CO2 data will be improved in the future.
12, 138 
302-4 Reduction of energy consumptionEnergy saved through initiatives implemented: 33% of the energy consumption of the head office was supplied by the solar power system. Furthermore, the additional electricity purchased is 100% from renewable sources. This means that the energy supply for the head office and the office building in Mönchengladbach is 100% from renewable sources. 
Wherever we are responsible for the electricity supply of a rented property, we also try to switch to renewable energy. This has been done for all branches in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
8, 12, 138, 9 
302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and servicesWe want to be climate-neutral by 2040 and have defined, for example, how many vehicles in our fleet would have to be converted to electric vehicles each year. In addition, we have calculated the annual investment required to sustainably increase revenue as part of CDP. The CDP rated our activities as B in 2022 and C in 2023 (Klüh Cleaning GmbH). 

Reduction in energy consumption for services achieved in the reporting period: the difference between ecological and conventional cleaning is 21 %.
8, 12, 138, 9 
GRI 303: 
Water and Effluents 
303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resourceReference to the water procedural instruction: description of how the organization uses water: where it is taken from, consumed and where it is discharged.
The company draws and uses groundwater from municipal water pipes at its headquarters for regular office needs. In rented properties, water is also drawn from municipal water pipes for cleaning or cooking services and regular office needs. At the headquarters, water withdrawal amounted to 1,591 m3. In the rented properties, a further 13,022,316.24 liters = 13,022.316 m3. In total, water consumption in 2023 amounted to 14,613,316 m3 or 14,613,316 liters = 14.613 megaliters.
Methods used to determine: Billing by the local utility company or the customer; water-related targets stated in VA.
Alignment with SDGs: yes, see procedural instruction water and SDG progress report (available on request). 
We participate in cooperations with customers who want to implement water-saving measures.
127, 8, 9ESRS E3
303-2 Management of water discharge-related impactsWastewater is discharged back to the sewer system by the Public Utilities Department. Internal water quality standards (procedural instruction Water): We always treat water in a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly manner.127, 8, 9ESRS E2
303-3 Water withdrawalTotal amount of water withdrawn for 2023 for headquarters: 14,613,316 l = 14.613 megaliters, groundwater (municipal utilities). 
As part of our cleaning services, 190,366,483 liters of water were withdrawn in 2023, which is usually groundwater.   
127, 8, 9ESRS E3
303-4 Water dischargeThe waste water that results from our services is discharged into the public sewer system. In the cleaning sector, we switched to the sustainable cleaning series “Eco” and “Ecolution” from Dr. Schnell in 2022 to reduce the amount of waste water. These sustainable cleaning agents are biodegradable products. 
The energy report includes an evaluation of the rented properties. We do not record the water consumption in the customer properties.
127, 8, 9ESRS E3
303-5 Water consumptionThe energy report shows the consumption of our own and rented properties. 

Total consumption for the head office and the site in Mönchengladbach: 1.611  megaliters for the head office and the site in Mönchengladbach in 2023: 1.611   megaliters -  1.4499 megaliters (estimated wastewater) = 0.1611   megaliters (estimated water withdrawal) 
127, 8, 9ESRS E3
GRI 305: 
305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissionsPlease refer to the energy report for the calculation.
10.63 gWh = 10,630,000 kWh = 32,208,900 CO2 equivalent (these figures only include the head office and the site in Mönchengladbach)
Current status 2023. 
Calculation basis: 
Calculation basis: 
3,12,13,14,157, 8, 9ESRS E1
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissionsPlease refer to the energy report for the calculation.
4.77 gWh = 4,770,000 kWh= 2,070,180 CO2 equivalent 
Calculation basis:  
3, 12, 13, 14, 157, 8, 9ESRS E1
305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissionsPlease refer to the energy report for the calculation.
26.53 gWh = 26,530,000,000 kWh= 5,909,820 CO2 equivalents
Calculation basis: 
3, 12, 13, 14, 157, 8, 9ESRS E1
305-4 GHG emissions intensityIntensity ratio = CO2 t per service: CO2 per working hour - 613,05grams CO2 per working hour (ecological cleaning) in Cleaning (largest business area, 36.2% of total turnover)3, 12, 13, 14, 157, 8 ,9 
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissionsWe want to be carbon neutral by 2040 and have defined, for example, how many vehicles in our fleet would have to be converted to electric vehicles each year. We have also calculated the annual investment required to sustainably increase revenue as part of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). CDP rates our activities in the area of cleaning as B- (2023). In addition, our security division is a participant in the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), which means that we are committed to a net zero target by 2050.3, 12, 13, 14, 157, 8, 9ESRS E1
GRI 306: 
306-2 Management of significant waste-related impactsFor exact data, please refer to the energy report. Klüh generates municipal waste, which is usually disposed via the local public utilities. In some customer properties, Klüh is responsible for waste disposal. The waste is disposed according to the waste code and is monitored by an authorized representative. This data is not included in the energy report. 
Further information on the reduction of packaging, the smart waste management system and DigiClean can be found in the procedural instructions water and waste.
In addition, we lease most of our electrical equipment so that we can return it as soon as we no longer need it and it can be reused if necessary (return to the circular economy). We offer a food waste analysis using AI in the catering sector. The data obtained from this analysis can be used to achieve enormous success regarding food waste reduction by changing the menu or adapting procurement.
3, 12, 14, 157, 8, 9ESRS E5
306-4 Waste diverted from disposalDue to leasing programs, almost no electronic waste is generated. If electronic devices are purchased, the life cycles of the devices are extended, for example, by using them as training devices, and the electronic waste is professionally recycled by our waste disposal company after all data has been deleted in accordance with data protection regulations. We oblige our suppliers to comply with the CoC for Suppliers regarding sustainability and recycling management.3, 12, 14, 167, 8, 9ESRS E5
GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteriaAll new suppliers are required to complete a questionnaire as part of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, which assesses the supply chain in terms of environmental compatibility and human rights. Existing suppliers who were of concern in respect to sustainable business practices were asked to complete the questionnaire.127, 8, 9ESRS G1
308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions takenThe opportunites and risks matrix is used to identify potential risks (impacts) and to assign measures to them. Suppliers are monitored using the Supply Chain Due Dilignece Act questionnaire.
Number of suppliers that were checked for environmental risks: 37 
Number of suppliers with a negative impact: 16.22%
Percentage of business relationships that were terminated: 2.7% 
Percentage of suppliers with whom improvements have been agreed: 16.22 %
127, 8, 9 


GRI 401: Employment 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnoverWe have around 20,000 employees across Germany. In the 2022 financial year, we had an international increase of 17.35% and in the 2023 financial year of a further 1.1% in the total workforce to a total of 58,604 employees on an international scope. The hiring and turnover rate of our employees varies worldwide and by line of business. On average, we have a fluctuation rate of 21.75% (as of Q1 2023). However, employee or employer terminations only account for 4-5% of terminations on average. The majority of these are due to retirement or business transfers.5, 86ESRS S1
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employeesAll benefits are available to our part-time employees. 8 
401-3 Parental leaveThe share of parental leave varies worldwide and across different sectors. Klüh complies with all legal requirements. These are monitored as part of the occupational safety inspections.
a.) 45 male, 188 female (Note: It is not always known whether a male employee is going to become a father or not)
b.) 45 male, 160 female
c.) 33 male, 61 female
d.) 26 male, 25 female
e.) Return rate 73.33% male, 32.44% female; retention rate 57.77% male, 13.29% female
5, 86ESRS S1
GRI 403: 
Occupational Health and Safety
403-1 Occupational health and safety management systemAll companies in the group, except forthe RASW (Rheinische Akademie für Sicherheit und Wirtschaft GmbH) and Keros Consult GmbH, are certified according to ISO 45001 (occupational safety management). Individual properties have an SCC certificate. Occupational safety is monitored internally and externally, and the reports are reviewed at the occupational safety meetings. There is a corporate physician at each occupational safety meeting. The systems are monitored externally by TÜV Austria, and Klüh maintains a good relationship with the regulatory authorities.3  
403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigationRisks are recorded via our risk assessments. We use the opportunities and risks matrix to assess our theoretical risks. To keep up to date with legal issues, we have an online tool (Environment online/ umwelt online), this is a compliance tool for environmental, occupational health and safety issues. In addition, employees can confidentially approach us during audits and raise concerns or provide information through the whistleblower process. These leads are then followed up and logged. Occupational safety training is provided.3 ESRS S1
403-3 Occupational health servicesRisk assessments are carried out for each location. Monitoring is carried out by internal and external auditors. In addition, there are annual occupational health examinations, such as an eye examination (G37), but also vaccination and various health-promoting courses in our academy. Furthermore, there are annual inspections of the workplaces and regional occupational physicians for each branch.3 ESRS S1
403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safetyEmployees' representatives and other individuals required by law are invited to the health and safety meetings. The decisions are usually taken by mutual agreement. In addition, the risk assessments are carried out on site by employees.3  
403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safetyBased on the risk assessments, employees are interviewed and trained. Training certificates and performance indicators are documented in the social report. There are annual training sessions for every employee.3  
403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management systemAll companies included in this report (with the exception of the subsidiaries RASW GmbH and Keros Consult GmbH) are certified according to ISO 9001 and 45001. All employees in these companies are subject to the occupational health and safety system. 3 ESRS S1
403-9 Work-related injuriesThe annual statistics are published on the intranet, all accidents are reviewed and the processes are audited by TÜV Austria. 

Work-related incidents in 2023: 
Fatalities: 0 Rate: 0
L&I with serious consequences: 0 Rate: 0
Total: 276  Rate: Accident frequency: 17.04  (to determine the rate, the reportable accidents were multiplied by 1,000,000 and divided by the target working hours)
Rate per thousand employees: 25.2
Types of injury: falls, cuts, sprains, burns, physical attacks (human and animal attackers)
Hours worked: 18,357,492
Risk assessments are generally carried out, regardless of whether the injury could be serious or minor.
Measures to prevent injuries: risk assessments and training/briefings/instruction for actions that are prone to injury, eye examinations, vaccinations by the company doctor, skin examinations (cleaning), last-minute risk analysis, risk assessment for mental health, safety moments (see procedural instruction Safety Moments).



GRI 404: Training and Education 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employeeKSM: 11 h CLE: 1.7 h CAT: 4.3 h SEC: 39.75 h; the figures are the same for male and female employees.3, 4, 5, 86ESRS S1
404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programsThe programs are listed in the annual academy program (the offer includes soft skills and personal development, but also professional training). In addition, individual measures are agreed upon in the employee performance review. Individual personnel development concepts can be created depending on the position/qualification of the employee. These currently consist of a combination of internal and external training programmes. As of 2023, we offer individual training programmes for structured training and development based on an internal personnel development concept.
In the cleaning sector, we also offer certified training for site managers (cleaning); foremen are trained for higher positions (in some cases also further training as a hygiene specialist). This concept reflects the “promotion before entry” principle at Klüh. 
There are various security training courses available for security staff (including IHK-certified training courses, preparatory courses, distance learning courses).
Klüh works with an external training provider in the catering sector, the Institute of Culinary Art (ICA) (e.g. hygiene specialist, preparation for the final examination to become a chef).
The costs of studies and further training are covered.
404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews100%, these reviews are mandatory.4, 5, 86ESRS S1
GRI 405: 
Diversity and Equal Opportunity 
405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesa.) - 83.33% male, 16.66% female 
- 83.33% over 50 years, 16.66% 30 - 50 years 
- 0% minorities or vulnerable groups 
b.) - 63.3% female, 36.7% male, 0.01% diverse 
- 8.86% under 30 years 
- 42.11% 30 - 50 years 
- 49.03% over 50 years 
5, 86ESRS 2
405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to menWomen and men are paid the same (collective agreement). Klüh is committed to the Diversity Charter and complies with all the requirements of the German Equal Treatment Act (AGG).

Further information is available from the central quality management department on request. 
5, 8, 106ESRS S1
GRI 406: 
406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions takenAll incidents are recorded in the General Equal Treatment Act report. The General Equal Treatment Act report is approved at the compliance committee and is part of the social report. Total number of incidents: 0. 5, 8, 166ESRS S1
GRI 407: 
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
407-1 Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at riskPersonnel: Klüh is committed to complying with collective wage agreements. Among other things, compliance is monitored by the internal audit department. Audit summaries are part of the social report.
Procurement: As part of our supply chain due diligence obligations, our suppliers and supply chains are systematically monitored for compliance with legal requirements.
No operational unit or supplier violates the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining. By complying with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act we ensure that all suppliers comply with the applicable law.
81, 2, 3 
GRI 408:
Child Labor 
408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child laborKlüh is committed to the ILO and its guidelines. Compliance with human rights and other national and international law is monitored by the human rights and compliance officer, who documents his activities in an annual human rights and compliance report. Forced labor is not tolerated at Klüh, neither in our own facilities nor at those of our suppliers.8, 161, 2, 5ESRS S1
GRI 409:
Forced or Compulsory Labor 
409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory laborKlüh is committed to the ILO and its requirements. The issues are monitored by the human rights officer, who writes an annual human rights report. Klüh does not force its employees to perform compulsory labor. Neither at operating sites nor at suppliers.81, 2, 4ESRS S1
GRI 410: 
Security Practices 
410-1 Security personnel trained in human rights policies or proceduresKlüh is committed to the ILO and its guidelines. Compliance with human rights and other national and international law is monitored by the human rights and compliance officer, who documents his activities in an annual human rights and compliance report. All managers have been trained inaccordance with compliance requirements. Security personnel receive training at the company's own security school, including in legal matters. On average, employees in the security sector complete training courses totaling 40 hours a year.   
GRI 414: 
Supplier Social Assessment 
414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteriaThe supplier questionnaire used by Klüh is based on the SMETA standard. 100% of new suppliers are evaluated on the basis of social criteria as part of the supply chain questionnaire. In addition, the CoC for Suppliers serves as a contractual basis for all supplier contracts. 81, 2ESRS G1
414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions takenAll suppliers were checked for social criteria: 100%
Conspicious suppliers audited: 2.37%
Supplier relationships ended due to poor performance according to the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act questionnaire: 0.40 %
81, 2 

Note on omitted sections

The standards categorised as immaterial for Klüh or omitted information, including the respective reasons, can be found here.

All contents and linked documents mentioned in this report are based on the status at the time of publication of the report or the reporting year. There is no claim to continuous updating of the contents.