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Our sustainability approach

Sustainability is part of our company’s DNA and one aspect of our long-term corporate focus. Klüh is a labour-intensive service provider with a long tradition that is committed to acting in the interest of people and to sustainably preserving the value of their environment. To us as a multiservice provider, sustainability in our business operations means creating value for our clients, maintaining a culture of innovation, being an attractive employer and preserving resources – both within our company and in the services we provide to our clients (see Klüh materiality matrix).

Initiated in 2022, our sustainability strategy provides us with the direction to achieve this. Our focus is always on ensuring our clients’ satisfaction because, without them, Klüh would not have enjoyed the success it has for more than 100 years. We see ourselves as the ‘#zukunftsleister’ – the service innovator – demonstrating our deep awareness for the future with services we are already introducing today. The following extracts from our sustainability targets highlight specific achievements.

Thanks to innovation by our divisions, with key contributions from our Center of Digital Excellence, we are pressing ahead when it comes to the future issues of sustainability and digital transformation. On the basis of data, we can achieve a great deal such as reducing the use of cleaning agents, avoiding food waste and safeguarding critical infrastructure. 

Digital transformation
Natural resources
Employer responsibility
Social responsibilty

Our path to digital transformation

In an era of growing digitalisation, innovation in this area especially will ensure our company’s future viability. That is why we are strengthening our focus on digital transformation – both for our clients and within our own company. Established in 2018, the Center of Digital Excellence is our in-house digital hub that works closely with our divisions to develop digital solutions. We identify innovative opportunities and pilot the use of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, robotics and assistance systems. In this way, we create new digital services and solutions which contribute to preserving resources and drive the industry’s sustainable development.

Use of natural resources

We utilise resources as sparingly and ecologically as possible. The highest priority in all our divisions is reducing CO2 emissions. To this end, we are developing a fleet strategy aimed at transitioning to electric vehicles, use green electricity and deploy carbon-free processes in the Cleaning division. Here, we are also reducing the use of cleaning agents, choose chemical-free alternatives wherever possible and deploy biodegradable cleaning processes.

In our Catering division, our innovative AI Waste Management process is an innovative approach to reducing food waste. We also avoid packaging waste and use non-animal products to a growing extent. In line with our commitment to animal welfare, we support the Albert Schweitzer Foundation’s European Chicken Commitment.

“We develop solutions that save resources and enable us to operate in an environmentally friendly way. This approach is being applied in all divisions but especially in Cleaning and Catering where our innovations such as AI Waste Management lead the industry.” 

Thomas Keßeler, Head of Sustainability

Responsibility as an employer

One core focus at Klüh is social responsibility in all its many facets. We do everything we can to be an attractive employer and work continuously to improve our employer branding. And we are successful in this. Last year, we received recognition for our recruiting measures. In addition, our employees expressed their appreciation for the training and development opportunities provided by our in-house Klüh Academy.

Equal opportunities and diversity also play an important role for us as an international company. Employees from 122 nations contribute their origins, religions, world views and values to our daily work and collaborate in arespectful and prejudice-free working environment in line with the requirements of Germany’s General Act on Equal Treatment.

Social responsibility

Our company has been firmly rooted in Düsseldorf since 1911 and has a long tradition of commitment to a wide range of sports, art and cultural projects within the region and across Germany. Each year, for example, the ‘Wir für Düsseldorf’ initiative established by Josef Klüh supports selected associations and projects. The Klüh Foundation sponsors innovation in science and research on an annual basis, providing both practical and financial support. Many of our employees are involved in volunteering – either as examiners for the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, as volunteer fire fighters, as disaster relief volunteers or as trainers in sports clubs.

Sustainable communication

Corporate responsibility, value-based business practices and the consistent high quality of our services are important to us. In order to sustain this approach every day, we set ourselves high standards that go beyond what is required by law. For Klüh, regular internal and external audits are essential to ensuring transparency. Below please find our operating and management principles and various reports about the sustainable quality management of our services.

Management PrinciplesDownload PDF
Klüh Code of ConductDownload PDF
Quality Mission StatementDownload PDF
Occupational Health and Safety PolicyDownload PDF
Environmental and Energy PolicyDownload PDF
Purchasing terms and conditionsDownload PDF
Supplier Code of ConductDownload PDF


Klüh sustainability targets 2023 (extracts)


In the climate field, Klüh Multiservices has set itself the target of achieving climate-neutral business operations by 2040. To this end, it planned to reduce its own energy (electricity and gas) consumption continuously, starting in 2023. With total CO2 emissions of 679 tonnes in 2023 compared with 911 tonnes in 2022, this target has been achieved. 


In the Cleaning division, large and small innovations are of existential importance to economic sustainability. The target was therefore to use digitalisation in implementing further sustainable innovations in 2023. This was achieved with the development of a smart EcoServ cleaning service as well as other innovations such as replacing analogue reports with a digital version. App and front-end development as well as employee training were completed in the second quarter of 2023, thus accelerating processes considerably.

Employer attractiveness/demography

In the social field, appreciation and employer attractiveness are of great significance to employees, potential employees and Klüh as a company because of demographic developments. Therefore, the targets in 2023 included an employee survey and a high score of at least 4.0 on the Kununu online employer assessment platform. Klüh achieved this target with a score of 4.2. It was also recognised by Kununu as a “Top Company” and by the F.A.Z.-Institut as one of Germany’s most attractive employers. 

Klüh sustainability targets 2024 (extracts)


In the climate field, Klüh Multiservices has set itself the target of achieving climate-neutral business operations by 2040. To this end, it planned to reduce its own energy (electricity and gas) consumption continuously, starting in 2023. With total CO2 emissions of 679 tonnes in 2023 compared with 911 tonnes in 2022, this target has been achieved. 


In the Cleaning division, large and small innovations are of existential importance to economic sustainability. The target was therefore to use digitalisation in implementing further sustainable innovations in 2023. This was achieved with the development of a smart EcoServ cleaning service as well as other innovations such as replacing analogue reports with a digital version. App and front-end development as well as employee training were completed in the second quarter of 2023, thus accelerating processes considerably.

Employer attractiveness/demography

In the social field, appreciation and employer attractiveness are of great significance to employees, potential employees and Klüh as a company because of demographic developments. Therefore, the targets in 2023 included an employee survey and a high score of at least 4.0 on the Kununu online employer assessment platform. Klüh achieved this target with a score of 4.2. It was also recognised by Kununu as a “Top Company” and by the F.A.Z.-Institut as one of Germany’s most attractive employers. 

Sustainability Report

Commercial success, digitalisation and sustainability go hand in hand. Find out how Klüh has continued on the path to more sustainable management in 2023.

Find Sustainability Report here